Exhibition view
All Photos by @johannalandscheidt

Kunstraum M3 presents Container

* Opening: September 5, 2024, 6–10 PM
* Closing Reception: September 15, 2024, 12–9 PM

Mengerzeile 1-3, 12435 Berlin

A solo exhibition by Maximilian Thiel during Art Week Berlin 2024. The exhibition *Container* explores the concept of a container, both in a physical and metaphorical sense.

A container is an object that stores, protects, and transforms—symbolizing cultural processes made visible in the prints, photographs, and ceramics. It serves as an archaic form of modern storage media.

The subtitle *A.T.A.C. (All Times Are Challenging)* reflects the theme of the exhibition series “Resilience” at Kunstraum M3 @mengerzeile, curated by @johanna.landscheidt.

* Viewing Hours:
* Weekends: 12–5 PM
* Weekdays: by appointment (Contact: atac@mail.de) More information at:

Maximilianthiel.de @rockykugelblitz

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Flucht aus dem Paradies
Coloured etching, 2024